Rebel Without A Closet
Rebel Without A Closet
Cutting Room Floor: 150th Episode?! OH MY!
Rebels! You may have noticed from our social media that we are celebrating in the camp!
I am so happy and proud to announce that last week marked THE 150TH EPISODE of Rebel without a Closet! Episodes, interviews, cutting room floors, minisodes, watch parties. None of this could have been done without the AMAZING rebel Co-Hosts and special guests, and each and every one of our Rebel listeners across the globe for sticking with us and being the camp that keeps us going! Thank you!
As a special treat, this week I am pulling from our Patreon archive. Take a Listen to this compilation of The Cutting Room Floor for Alex Strangelove and Boy Meets Girl with Resident Rebels Chad, PJ, Stuart, and very Special Guest Jacklynne Hyde.
Listeners' discretion; Patreon exclusives were a little more personal and a lot more adult.
A lot of hours go into a recording session. Sometimes, things don't make it into the main episode but are too good to leave out so welcome to Rebel without a Closet: The Cutting Room Floor!
Thank you all for an incredible 5 Seasons!
Our entire library is now available on all streaming platforms. Share and Enjoy!
Follow the Rebels:
- Stefan: @sjmaroni
- Bear SailorMoon: @bearsailormooon
- Carlotta Carlisle: @carlottacarlisle
- Chad: @cski01 / @dressedasaChad (IG/Tiktok)
- Julia: @julialynched
- PJ: @xndra_design
- Stu: @janikon_
Facebook: /groups/rwacpod
Instagram @RWACpod
Find us at linktr.ee/RWAC